Sunday, May 23, 2010

Feeling Kokonutty

In much hope, I feel the need to write down, stamp and copyright my dream for these Kokonutty dreams of mine under an umbrella corp. called Kokonut Rootz Company Ltd. Just as a travelling kokonut anticipates reaching far across Atlantic oceans to find its resting place, I believe that my dreams or plans should outstretch just as far:

Kokonut Jamz © 2010

Kokonut Jamz is the label I have decided to first begin production and investment on. The idea behind Kokonut Jamz is to promote the idea of a musical arena for artists of an island origin to showcase their talent. Kokonut Jamz © 2010 will serve artist of Pacific Island or Carribean heritage and provide a means for them to connect with their fans. The features of Kokonut Jamz © will be detailed further as we proceed in this blog but my primary focus at this point is for Kokonut Jamz to be a portal equipped to provide for both an artist and fan experience. I am thinking of a Social Networking site, intergrated with News, Intergrated with Music Players and all the bells of whistles needed to have an interactive portal. You will hear more of Kokonut Jamz as I proceed through the production process that is due to begin in a week.

Kokonut Vogue© 2010

Kokonut Vogue is the umbrella apparel line that I hope to be in concurrent development alongside Kokonut Jamz mentioned above. Kokonut Vogue © 2010 in itself will be a shop for both Kokonut Rootz as an umbrella label but I plan to also feature in-store fan t-shirts for promising artists with big fan bases on the portal. Kokonut Vogue wills platform a series of T-Shirt styles and also Jeans and summer clothing. Anything for under the sun, spice it up with some Kokonut fun!
That’s it for now but I believe in the potential of expanding the Kokonut label to span as far as Kokonut Wireless, but that maybe something worth mentioning 10 years down the line. As for now, I’ll drop these Kokonutz into the water to see how they float.

PS. You can expect my label logo to be done within the next 2 weeks.

Go Nutz~


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